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Looking for Ways to Support?
Our primary goal in these conversations and resources is to draw people into a deeper relationship with Jesus, with each other, and to present God's truth in a practical and approachable way. Here are just a few ways you can help us in this work!
Share With a Friend — This one’s huge! Maybe the most important way to help us reach our goals in this work is to pass along your favorite episode, article, or video to a friend. We’re counting on you to spread the word and introduce these resources to folks who may find them valuable.
Drop Us a Message — What are you enjoying about the show? Is there something you’ve found particularly encouraging? What would you like to hear us talk about? Is there something we can do to improve? We’re open to all your feedback, and would love to get in touch with you! Just fill out the Contact Form above and let’s start a conversation.
Help Financially — While we're happy to continue providing our content free of charge, we also recognize and appreciate those who may want to help us in this work. If you're interested in partnering with us to keep our podcast running, please understand how much we value and appreciate your support. Check out our Patreon for more information!