What’s Good

A 13-Session Guided Study

Dwell on God's Praiseworthy Gifts and Virtues

“Change the Channel”


When I go on road trips, I still like to listen to the radio. It's fun to hear the sounds change from region to region: from country music to mariachi to local, public radio. And when it goes static, or you hear some coarse language you'd rather avoid, you scan for a new station. You tune into something good. 

And like the racket on the radio we don't want to hear, it's easy to dwell on discouraging thoughts. But when the darkness gets noisy, we need to change the channel and tune into "whatever is true ... honorable ... just ... pure ... lovely" and "commendable." Scripture says, "if there is anything worthy of praise" to "think about these things" (Phil. 4:8).


The Lord doesn't just want us to do good things (Phil. 4:9) — he also wants us to think about good things (Phil. 4:8)!

Of course, tuning our thoughts isn't as easy as pushing a button on a console. It takes careful attention (Prov. 4:23; Eph. 5:14-15). But like a wild field becomes a garden when tended, we can sow "pure ... lovely ... commendable" thoughts and cultivate new thinking habits. Paul paints a portrait of a mature Christian mind throughout Philippians, culminating in Phil. 4:4-13, where he shows us how to know the "peace of God" and the "God of peace" (Phil. 4:7, 9). Our key verse (Phil. 4:8) falls between those two phrases, showing us the path to maturity and peace.

So for the following thirteen lessons, we'll meditate on God's gifts and virtues. Because when we spend time thinking about and talking about the good things God has poured into his world (James 1:17), we become more grateful, committed servants. And as we meditate on his excellent virtues (2 Peter 1:3-8), we learn to treasure what he treasures.

So in these conversations, we pray you'll find new hope, joy, and strength. May we recognize God's abundant grace and light through which we will overcome the darkness (2 Cor. 4:6,16).


Has the noise of the world drowned out the good things of God in your heart?

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Guided Study FAQ

  • If you’ve struggled to stay positive in difficult times, the following thirteen lessons will help us meditate on God's gifts and virtues. Because when we spend time thinking about and talking about the good things God has poured into his world (James 1:17), we become more grateful, committed servants. And as we meditate on his excellent virtues (2 Peter 1:3-8), we learn to treasure what he treasures.

    So in these conversations, we pray you'll find new hope, joy, and strength. May we recognize God's abundant grace and light through which we will overcome the darkness (2 Cor. 4:6,16).

  • This Guided Study lasts 13 sessions. Tackle them once a week, once a month, or at some other interval. It’s up to you how you’d like to break them down.

  • Absolutely! What’s Good is useful on your own, or with a group. Watch the conversation starter video together, take turns asking the questions, and make sure to get everyone involved in the study!

  • Free. But you knew that!

  • Not currently, but one of the best ways to see these conversations in action is to listen to Podcast episodes connected to each session. Hopefully, it’ll give you a good idea of what these conversations could sound like!