"Holy Temples"


Glorify God in Your Body






What could you do with 200 Billion dollars?

"Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body" (1 Cor. 6:19–20).

King Solomon, who built the temple of God in 1 Kings 6, used expensive materials and ornate artistry to construct an amazing house for God in Jerusalem. It was meant to reflect his glory in some small way, as his presence dwelt within the Most Holy Place. Those who approached it were to proceed with great caution and reverence, being careful with how they walked and what they said, knowing that the all-powerful God of the universe was inside (Eccl. 5:1-3). Scholars have tried to estimate the value of Solomon's temple, and believe that the silver and gold alone would be worth around 200 billion dollars today!

Fast forward to the new covenant where, as Paul reminds the Corinthians, we are now the temple of God's Holy Spirit! He no longer has a physical building to dwell in — besides our bodies! With that in mind, how do you view your role in housing the Most High God?

You Are Not Your Own

Just as Solomon created his temple for the singular purpose of worshipping God, we have been created with the very same purpose. When Jesus came to the temple in John 2:13-17 and found God's house used for selfish gain, he overturned their tables and drove them out. We also need to drive out any thought, attitude, desire, or practice that isn't in line with his goal for our lives. Are you willing to clear out any self-seeking motivation that might distract you from being his temple?

God Bought You With A Price

It's hard to imagine anything worth 200 Billion dollars, much less considering ourselves worth that kind of money, but God purchased us with something even more valuable, the blood of his Son Jesus. Will you honor his priceless sacrifice by submitting your whole life to his control?

Glorify God In Your Body

The temple stood as a symbol of God's presence with his people, and we too are called to stand out as his lights within our communities today. With God dwelling within us, we will exude the fruit of his Spirit in every aspect of our lives. We can either glorify him before others or hide our lights from them (Matt. 5:14-16). What will the world see when they look at our lives?

Try to remind yourself several times throughout the day today that you are God's temple on earth, constructing your life with the reverence and holiness God's temple deserves.


“What Not To Wear”


"Eat It!"