Training Wheels

A 13-Session Guided Study

Support, Shepherd, and Send Out Our Kids

What do people mean when they say something is "like riding a bike"? How is snowboarding or learning a language in any way "like riding a bike"? They mean it tends to stick with you once you get it — it becomes ingrained so time doesn't wipe away all your practice. In some ways, training up a child is like teaching them to ride a bike. You put on training wheels before they can balance independently. And then, eventually, you take them off and hold the back of their seat. But at some point, it's time to let go so they can ride on their own, and maybe fall a few times. So, as we begin, let's explore the great responsibility we have as parents to support, shepherd, and send our kids out into the world.

“Like Riding a Bike”



Our leadership throughout our children's lives ingrains the truths, traits, and habits they'll need.

Scripture gives us an encouraging principle when it says, "Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it" (Prov. 22:6). In other words, when we teach them to live well, they won't easily forget it.

We try to provide stable foundations for our children early on. We focus on our covenant bond with our spouse. We make God the center of our home. We speak truthfully and we train them with love and care.

As they grow, we shepherd and shape them, looking heavenward to God's example and urging them to follow us. We get clear about our goals, grab life's tiny teaching moments, and model God's grace in their lives. And we communicate clearly and openly with them.

One day we'll send them out into the world, always there for them through troubling times, praying that we've done our best to instill a dedication to God. Imagine the blessing of calling our adult children "Brother" or "Sister" in Christ. What a gift, but what a task we have before us!


In what areas of your parenting are you looking to grow?

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Guided Study FAQ

  • For parents, grandparents, perspective parents, or anyone looking for be a better influence on the next generation, this 13-session guided study helps us explore the great responsibility we have to support, shepherd, and send our kids out into the world.

  • This Guided Study lasts 13 sessions. Tackle them once a week, once a month, or at some other interval. It’s up to you how you’d like to break them down.

  • Absolutely! Training Wheels is useful on your own, or with a group. Watch the conversation starter video together, take turns asking the questions, and make sure to get everyone involved in the study!

  • Free. But you knew that!

  • Not currently, but one of the best ways to see these conversations in action is to listen to Podcast episodes connected to each session. Hopefully, it’ll give you a good idea of what these conversations could sound like!